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北师大版高二英语必修三unit8单元知识点 - Lesson 3 Marco Polo



1. take sb. to court

2. in turn/ by turns/ in return

3. be amazed at/ to do/ that-clause

4. be confused by/ confuse… with…

5. break out/ into/ down/ up/ away from/ through/ in

6. put into prison/ end in prison/ send sb. to prison

7. stand by/ for/ out (as)/ up for/ aside

8. a large quantity of/ large quantities of

9. hunt for/ go hunting

10. do trade with sb./ trade sth. for sth. (with sb.)

11. be ruled by

12. be impressed by/ impress sb. with sth./ impress sth. on sb.

13. across the country

14. describe… as…

15. be covered in gold and silver/ be covered with

16. be available (to sb.)

17. paper money

18. be caught by/ be caught in/ sb. be caught doing

19. take dictation

20. the best-selling books

21. reply to/ response to

22. in huge quantities

23. it’s generous of sb. to do sth./ be generous with sth./in doing sth.

Important sentences:

1. Marco, in turn, was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was.

2. Not long after his return, a local war broke out near his town.

3. Although people enjoyed reading his books, many of them thought that Marco’s stories about China were too fantastic to be true.

4. But Marco always stood by his tales.





高考理想网《北师大版高二英语必修三unit8单元知识点 - Lesson 3 Marco Polo》原文地址:http://www.gklx.net/gaozhong/198795.html



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