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1. What you know about him is not his real______(性格).

2. Martin liked Gandhi's ideas about peaceful ______ (抗议).

3. He devoted all his life to______ (斗争) for the rights of Chinese people.

4. They are (组织) a charity concert for the disabled.

5. The hero is f for being brave and good.

6. Do you know why people are interested in e______ space and oceans ?

7. Yang Liwei is the first a______ of China, who stayed in space for 21 hours.

8. He w goodbye to us and then disappeared in the distance.

9. Do you still remember the e of our first meet?

10. Are you k to play tennis with me this afternoon?


He was the baby with no name. He was found and taken from the north Atlantic(大西洋) six days after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. The salvage (救援) workers called the small body "our baby." In their home port (港口基地) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone(墓碑) in front of the baby's grave (墓), written with the words: "To the memory of an unknown child." He has rested there ever since.

But history has a way of finding its secrets. On Nov. 5, this year, three members of a family from Finland arrived at Halifax and put fresh flowers at the grave. "This is our baby," says Magda Schleifer, 68, a banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great-aunt(姑姥姥) named Maria Panula, 42. At that time, she had sailed on the Titanic for America to meet her husband. According to the information Mrs. Schleifer had got, Panula gave up her seat on a lifeboat(救生艇) to search for her five children - including a 13-month-old boy named Eino from whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the sinking. "We thought they were all lost in the sea," says Schleifer.

Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby's grave, scientists have compared the

DNA from the Unknown Child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives(亲属)on the Titanic and never found the bodies. The result of the test shows that it may be the possible person: young Eino. Now, the family understand: no need for a new grave. "He belongs to the people of Halifax," says Schleifer. "They've taken care of him for 90 years."

Adapted from People, November 25, 2002

1. The baby travelled on the Titanic with his___________.

A. mother B. parents C. aunt D. relatives

2. What is probably the boy's last name?

A. Schleiferi. B. Eino. C. Magda. D. Panula.

3. The underlined word it refers to .

A. The Titanic B. Eino. C. Magda. D. The story

4. Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child's grave on Nov. 5______.

A. 1912 B. 1954 C. 2002 D. 2004

5. This text is mainly about how______________.

A. the unknown baby's body was taken from the north Atlantic

B. the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia

C. people found out who the unknown baby was

D. people took care of the unknown baby for 90 years



1. character 2. protest 3. fight/struggle

4. organizing 5. famous 6. exploring

7. astronaut 8. waved 9. experience

10. keen


1. A


2. D

孩子的母亲叫Maria Panula,根据西方人的习俗,妻子结婚后随夫姓,所以她丈夫的姓是Panula,孩子亦然。

3. B


4. C

铁达尼号1912年出事,最后一句话"They've taken care of him for 90 years."说孩子被照顾了90年,所以孩子的家庭成员来看他的时候应该是2002年。

5. C

故事的结尾段一句话The result of the test shows that it may be the possible person: young Eino. 它告诉我们说根据DNA技术,孩子可能就是Eino。






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